On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 09:28:22PM -0800, kumar kumar wrote:
> HI
> How to uncompress  compressed data with php://input 
> Which one of the following is correct 
> 1 .$unzip = gzinflate("php://input","r");
>     $getdata =  fopen($unzip."r");
> 2. gzcompress("php://input","r");
>   $getdata =  fopen($unzip."r");
> what the best solution help me


I'm not sure what you expect to happen in both cases.  gzinflate
expects a string and returns a string.. which is invalid for

with gzcompress (besides that the parameters being wrong) i dont
know how you expect it to uncompress, and it also returns a string
which is invalid for fopen().

perhaps you ment:

  $getdata = gzopen('php://input', 'r');

  see: http://php.net/gzopen

  $getdata = fopen('php://filter/gzinflate/resource=php://input');

  see: http://php.net/manual/en/filters.compression.php


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