
I would like to give information about a new open source project
named as Klorofil Collaboration Project (http://www.klorofil.org).

As a new open source project, we will need many advice in order
to make it success.

Currently, in Klorofil Collaboration Project, we develop
Klorofil Platform. One of the component of Klorofil Platform
is gambArt (a GUI framework for developing PHP-based desktop application).

We have published initial release. In the initial release,
we provide Klorofil Platform installer + a desktop calculator as

This desktop calculator was made 100% with PHP (using gambArt).

For more information, you can visit http://www.klorofil.org/

In the next release, we will add more features such as:
- Distributed Computing
- etc

We do hope this project will be useful for PHP community.
We hope many people will join the project.

Here are features available
in the initial release:

Initial Release version 0.1 (for Windows):

- Klorofil Platform Basic Structure
        * Class Registration
        * Application Launcher
        * Collection Classes
        * I/O Classes
        * Network Classes
                + Socket
                + HTTP
                + Email
                + SMS
        * Compression
        * Byte Compiler
        * XML
- gambArt (Klorofil GUI)
        * Basic Structure
                + Application
                + Canvas
                + Component
                + Control
                + Form
        * Component
                + Button
                + Flat Button
                + Label
                + Edit
                + Dialog
                + Radio Button
                + CheckBox
                + Panel
                + Image
                + ListBox
                + DropDownBox
                + PageControl
                + ToolBar
                + MainMenu
                + Timer

Thank you.

R. Iqbal

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