Jay Blanchard wrote:

<FlameBate>And for those interested in using a real computer</ FlameBate>,
GUI also runs under MacOSX.

If they are "real" why aren't there more of them?

Because they have 'real' price tags. Shame really, as OS X pisses all over Windows from a great height. Oh well, nothing wrong with being in an elite minority ;)

I wish, oh how I wish (and if you have been reading this list for any amount
of time in the past 6 months, you'd know) that  Santa Claus would bring me
BSD OS's on all of my servers and give our network personel the cajone's to
deal with the change. Please Santa? If you give me this I promise to never
ask for anything more than peace on Earth, goodwill towards men ever again.

Bill's gonna get mad at you.  ;)

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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