Here is some code that you can modify. It's design to convert a search string into a MySQL full text search string, not sure how different pgsql is. It adds * for word expansion where appropriate. It assume a space is the delimiter, but that's easy to change in the explode statement.

"this is a search" -XXX Test


+"this is a search" -XXX* +Test*

Conversion function:

        function prepFullTextSearch($searchVal) {
                //Split words into list
                $word_List                              = explode(' 
                //Step through word list to get search phrases
                $i                                              = 0;
                $isPhrase                               = false;
                foreach($word_List as $word) {
$searchItems[$i] = trim(($isPhrase?$searchItems[$i].' '.$word: $word));
                        //Check for start of Phrase
                        if(substr($searchItems[$i],0,1) == '"') {
                                $isPhrase               = true;
                        //If not building a phrase, append wildcard (*) to end 
of word
                        if(!$isPhrase) {
                                $searchItems[$i]        .= '*';
                        //Check for end of Phrase
                        if(substr($searchItems[$i],-1) == '"') {
                                $isPhrase               = false;
                $searchVal                              = '+'.implode(' 
                $searchVal                              = 
                return $searchVal;

On Dec 7, 2005, at 8:18 AM, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello PHP-Gurus,

I have already ask this on php-de and pgsql-pgp but unfortunatly
gotten no answer.

I have a search form and I like to add advanced search options like

        "this is a search" -XXX Test

which mean,

1)      "this is a search"      must be in this order
2)      -XXX                    Do not find XXX contents
3)      Test                    AND

Does anyone has a PHP/PGSQL code sniplet?


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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