Validate::email appears to check for a MX or A record.  I'm a bit rusty
on my RFCs, but isn't is possible the mail host could be specified using



Eric Butera wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the PEAR Validate::email method to validate email addresses on our
> contact forms since the spam bots have gotten so bad.  I am using the
> "check_domain" flag which calls the php function "checkdnsrr."  This form
> processor is used on several sites now and all is going well except one
> problem.  It seems this "checkdnsrr" function randomly returns false on
> valid email addresses.  I built a little debug feature into the processor to
> let me know when the script fails and any error messages it has generated
> along the way to try and stay ahead of the spammers.
> I've been getting randomly occurring failure notices.  Most of the time it
> works, sometimes it doesn't.  Every failure is a valid DNS and email
> address.  If I try running the email address against Validate::email later
> it works.  I was hoping somebody can shine some light on why checkdnsrr
> would work sometimes and why it wouldn't work others.  Any help or advice
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!

David Grant

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