On Dec 9, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Danny wrote:
Simply Fantastic!. Thanks a lot!

Sure thing, I am glad that I was able to help/give you some ideas.  :)

So for me the best solution I think, would be to read the MySQL Table, and produce the XML with a given template from a PHP Script. I will use Scheduled Task instead of CRON... (Sorry, working on windows ;-))

That sounds like the perfect solution!  :D

[Off topic] Could it be tested without an IPod device? I´ve been googling around, but I don´t know much about those devices, and IPodCasters simulators for PC

Great question!  :)

[Double OT:] Podcast/Podcasting, IMHO, is about the worst name the founders could have given this technology... To me, POD sounds like a proprietary APPLE technology/product - maybe only to be used with an iPod? When, in all actuality, Podcasts/Podcasting can be used/played by many different apps on many different platforms - and no need for an iPod! Also, it is not restricted to iPods, I think just about any contemporary MP3 player can import Podcasts... Well, that is my two cents on this OT subject. :) [/Double OT]

To answer your question:

iPodder (PC) is probably what you are looking for:


Here is a nice tutorial on how to download streams:


I am sure that the latest/next version of Windows Media Player will probably let you download Podcasts... Not too sure though, I am on a Mac.

A few notes:

-- What is Podcasting?
Podcasting (iPod + broadcasting) is a new kind of radio for your computer and/or MP3 player. Podcasting allows you to save and listen to your favorite radio programs when and where you want.

-- How Podcasting works.
A broadcaster makes digital audio files available on the Internet. Listeners "subscribe" to these programs using podcasting software. The listener's computer automatically downloads the audio files, which can then be listened to on the computer or transferred to a portable MP3 audio player.

-- How do you get started?
In order to receive podcasts you need a computer, an Internet connection, and podcasting software. To take a podcast with you, an iPod or any portable MP3 player is also needed. The podcasting software includes programs that allow your computer to automatically receive audio files of specified broadcast programs over the Internet. Then you can either listen to the programs on your computer or have them downloaded to your portable audio player.

Hope that helps!
Good luck,
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