>> Oh and cheers for the info someone gave me the other day, it inspired 
>> me to just connect to the pop3 server using a raw socket, SOOOOO much
>share the code please, I'm interested :)

Ok... It's a bit rough and ready, never expected anyone else to want to look
at this (at least not yet!)

  $host = 'mail.myserver.com';
  $port = '110';
  $user = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
  $pass = 'itsasecret';
  $socket = fsockopen($host,$port);
  if (!$socket)
   echo "Couldn't connect!";
   //is it connected?
   echo "Testing connection... ".$res;
   echo "Send user...";
   fputs($socket,"USER $user\n");
   echo $res;
   echo "Send pass...";
   fputs($socket,"PASS $pass\n");
   echo $res;
   echo "Let's get the number of messages...";
   $res = split(' ',$res);
   $res = $res[1];
   echo trim($res)." messages\n";
   if (trim($res) > 0)
    echo "Let's get the array of messages...\n";
    $res=getinfo($socket);//gets rid of the OK
    $res = split("\n",$res);
    foreach ($res as $key => $value)
         if ((trim($value) != '.') and (trim($value != "")))
      $value = split(" ",$value);
      $mids[] = $value[0];
    echo "Now we have a list of message IDs, we'll extract each message\nand
save under it's MID\n";
    foreach ($mids as $key => $value)
         echo "Requesting $value\n";
         fputs($socket,"RETR $value\n");
     $res=getinfo($socket);//gets rid of the OK
     $res = split("\n",$res);
     $cont = true;
     foreach ($res as $key2 => $value2)
          if ((trim($value) != '.') and ($cont == true))
       $msg[] = $value2;
       $cont = false;
     $res = join("\n",$res);
     echo "Saving $value\n";
   echo "Finally, let's quit...";
   echo $res;
  function getinfo($socket)
   $buff = '';
   $continue = true;
   while (!feof($socket) and ($continue==true)) 
    $buffer = fgets($socket);   
    if (substr($buffer,0,4) == '-ERR')
         $res = 'error';
         $continue = false;
    if (substr($buffer,0,3) == '+OK')
         $res = 'ok';
         $continue = false;
    if (trim($buffer) == '.')
         $res = 'end';
         $continue = false;
    $buff .= $buffer;
   return $buff;

This was designed to run as a CLI app, may need tweaking to run through
http. Not fully tested, but does what I want!

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