
Yes phpMyAdmin does but I'm sure many other don't. I'll keep this in mind.

On 12/15/05 11:01 AM, "John Hinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Rahul S. Johari wrote:
>> Ave,
>> I'm looking into the ZEROFILL option now. Didn't know about it before but it
>> looks promising and probably is my solution. I'll get back.
>> Thanks a ton!
>> On 12/15/05 10:24 AM, "Jim Moseby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Zerofill in mysql will do it. But, many mysql 'clients' don't 'display'
> the zeros. As best that I remember, phpMyAdmin does show the zeros, so
> be careful as what you 'see' might not really be what you 'get'. Seems
> like there are issues with the viewing of this in Excel as well..
> Friggin programs that think they are smarter that people!!!!
> Anyway, that'll do the mysql side of it for you.
> John Hinton

Rahul S. Johari
Coordinator, Internet & Administration
Informed Marketing Services Inc.
251 River Street
Troy, NY 12180

Tel: (518) 266-0909 x154
Fax: (518) 266-0909

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