On 12/15/05, Tim Meader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, this seems like a ridiculously easy question which shouldn't even
> need asking, but I'm having trouble getting the builtin copy command to
> work properly. It seems to work fine as long as I feed it a full
> constant string path for each argument (ie - in the form
> "/the/path/to/the/file"). However, if I try to feed it two variables as
> the arguments, it craps out somewhere along the line. Here are the two
> different sets of calls I'm making:
> These two work perfectly:
> copy("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/snapshot.baseline",
> "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/snapshot.baseline.bak")
> ;
> copy("/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/lastrun.timestamp",
> "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/lastrun.timestamp.bak");
> These two fail:
> $l_stLastRun =
> "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/lastrun.timestamp";
> $l_stSnapshotBase =
> "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/ipreg2/crons/regservice_rep/snapshot.baseline";
> copy($l_stSnapshotBase, $l_stSnapshotBase.".bak");
> copy($l_stLastRun, $l_stLastRun.".bak");
> Can anyone offer any insight on what the problem might be with this? The
> "unlink" function seems to accept the variable inputs with absolutely no
> problem, so I can't understand the discrepancy between the two.

There's no problem with variable names as parameters to copy() - you
can test that in a few seconds.

   $ touch foo
   $ php -a
   Interactive mode enabled

   $a = 'foo';
   copy($a, $a . '.bak');

   $ ls
   foo   foo.bak

So the problem is elsewhere.

99 times in 100 you've either messed up the filenames or you've not
got appropriate file permissions to do the copy.


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