On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 11:27:23AM -0700, jgmtfia Mr wrote:
> I have a directory with the files:
>       /config/A
>       /config/B
> and
>       /config/C is a symlink to /config/A.
> Via php I unlink /config/C:
>       $FILE = '/config/C';
>       while(file_exists($FILE)){
>               unlink($FILE);
>               clearstatcache();
>       }
> When run, the first time through the loop $FILE is removed from disk
> as it should.
> The loop then continues forever with file_exists() returning true, but
> unlink() returns false with the error message "Warning:
> unlink(/config1/C) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in
> /www/script.php on line 10"
This might be an issue with the OS or Filessystem.  The code
works just fine for me, i dont even need the clearstatcache().

cat .signature: No such file or directory

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