On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 07:45, Jochem Maas wrote:
> Al wrote:
> > jonathan wrote:
> > 
> >> I know that this is more of a Javascript / DOM question but I cannot  
> >> for the life of me figure this out:
> >>
> >> I have this form:
> >>
> >> <form name="query_form">
> >> <input type="text" name="q"></input>
> >> <input type="button" onclick="drawImg('A',document.forms 
> >> ['query_form'].elements['q']);" value="Search"></input>
> >> </form>
> get firefox and learn to use the javascript console, the DOM inspector and
> the javascript debugger in that order - in this case the DOM inspector
> would have been your biggest friend as it would have shown you 'correct'
> name for the element (object) whose value you were trying to grab - in general
> the DOM inspector is very handy for learning more about the structure
> and the content of the DOM.

Just a comment on Firefox, I've been doing a lot of Javascript lately
(I'm working on a sub windowing library and I must say firefox/mozilla
are render pigs. I attach more than 3 on move listeners to move with the
dragged pane and firefox becomes choppy crap soup. Opera and even
Internet Exploder can easily handle 50, and show a bit of lag when I
increase to 100 listener objects. Opera owns for speed though.

For debugging I use a custom data browser service that works in the 3
main browsers which has the nice advantage of seeing all the lovely
different field names that each browser uses *lol*.


And similar for debug echos:


I just wish all these damn browsers would work the same way for DHTML :(

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