Haha.. well, with any luck, 10 years from now I'll have as much content.  hah 
(or even ANY code written)

= = = Original message = = =

I sort of had the same idea almost a decade ago...


You can see how well I've kept it up :-v

On Fri, December 30, 2005 10:33 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Wasn't this just brought up on another thread?  "nifty little tools"
> that is and a repository for such things.
> There are lots of code repositories but none that I go directly to
> right off.  Usually I hit Yahoo/Google and do a search for what I'm
> looking for and find whatever looks best for my situation.  That way,
> in theory, I find some of the newest/freshest ideas and techniques.
> Not always the best, but it's usually a starting place.
> <tangent>
> Since you asked..
> I use Zend Studio (http://www.zend.com) and Crimson Editor
> (http://www.crimsoneditor.com)... if not just
> Notepad/vi/other-generic-text-editor-native-to-OS>.  My workmate uses
> Komodo (http://www.activestate.com/Products/Komodo/).
> </tangent>
> I've found that people ask these kinds of questions over and over
> again..  and there are so many great websites out there with great
> code snippets or information in general.  And never a lack of people
> who give opinions on what their favorite is... be it framework, php
> editor, or favorite brand of shiraz.
> So a little while ago I registered userrated.com  (nothing there now
> but an image cropping test script done in PHP...with an awesome pic of
> a pirate llama... you heard me!).
> Anyway, my idea for this site is to create a review site for such
> things like PHP editors or even someone's favorite wine, restaurent,
> flea market, whatever.  So when someone on the PHP list asks about
> flea markets...err... editors..  You can say "Go to userrated.com and
> hit the PHP section".
> The idea would be to enter just about anything and have properties
> associated with the item that can be itemized or just rated.
> PHP Editors:
>   Version [free entry]
>   OS's supported [list]
>   Ease of Use [1-5]
>   IDE? [Y/N/Partial?]
>   Debugger? [Y/N/Partial?]
>   Stability [1-5]
>   Overall impression [1-5]
> Wine:
>   Type [free entry or checkbox?]
>   Origin [free entry]
>   Dry-Sweet [1-5]
>   Year
>   Vineyard
>   Color
>   Whatever-else-wine-snobs-judge-by  :)
> And the other thing I'd like to do with it is be able to show all
> ratings/reviews/comments or filter by date range because sometimes
> things become outdated or obsolete or were great a year ago and now
> aren't supported anymore.  So if you showed "all dates" it may say
> "Average rating 7.5" but if you showed the 100 ratings giving in the
> last 2 months, it may drop to "4.0".
> Just throwing this out there in case anyone has any thoughts or
> comments or hell.. maybe a site already exists that does all this.
> Two things inspired this idea...  (1) the constant weekly "What PHP
> editor do you use?  What's the best?" questions (hah) and (2) my lack
> of ability to remember all the odd restaurants, wines, beers, camping
> spots, dog groomers, whatever that my girlfriend and I check out.  Was
> that Indian restaurant in Baltimore any good?  Was it the one on
> Charles Street or down near Lexington Market that was the good one
> with the all-you-can-eat curry at lunch on weekends?  (*shiver* scary
> hah)
> So when I get un-lazy and stop playing World of Warcraft long enough
> to do some PHP projects.. is this something anyone would find useful?
> I'd like to open it up so just about anyone can create a category and
> add "properties" to the item being rated.  Probably have to approve
> items so it doesn't get crazy, but still might be cool.
> Ok... off to stare at the pirate llama for a bit so I don't have to do
> real work.
> -TG
> = = = Original message = = =
> [snip]
>>They are all variants of that. All nifty little tools. We should
>> gather
>>those up someplace...shouldn't we?
> In similar light, what development environments do you people program
> in? How do you run and test your code?
> tedd
> PS: This is my first posting to this group.
> [/snip]
> Welcome to the insanity.
> I use Eclipse. For testing I have a test server where all of the code
> gets
> hammered using a combination of automated and live user units. I am in
> a
> microsoft shop, but have migrated web app servers to Apache (save for
> one
> that I just cannot get rid of yet due to legacy ASP).
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