Michael Hulse wrote:
Just curious if anyone could give me some google
keywords/links/suggestions/tips/comments/feedback on a good place to
start for writing a search engine script.
I think I might have a good idea for a specific type of search engine.
Basically it would crawl web and index links to a specific type of
file... really simple. Obviously making the results searchable is a must.
Not sure where to start though.
good a place as any:
I might suggest that you first google for 'how to write a search engine';
then do a lot of reading; then curse yourself for having undertaken such a
difficult task; then try to formulate the criteria/limitations/requirements
of yourt search engine as preciesly as possible ...
and when you have a definite idea about what you want to achieve come back
by all means and ask questions - you never we might even be able to help
(assuming php is the technology tyou choose to implement your search engine
ps - creating something decent that resembles a search engine is not easy IMHO.
good luck
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