I'm reading in a 66MB file into php so I can parse it and load it into a database. However, it is taking a long time for php to read the file. So long that the script times out. I know about the ini_set("max_execution_time", 120) or whatever length I want to set the time out for the script, but my question is as follows.

Is it possible to read in a file and at the same time echo out a status of how far along the file has been read?

The code I have right now is below. Just wondering if what I'm trying to do is possible and how to do it.

// set script timeout
ini_set("max_execution_time", 120);

// import file name
$log_file_name = "access_log.1";
echo "Reading access log!<br/>";
if (!$ac_arr = file("./$log_file_name")) {
        echo "Couldn't load access log!";


Even if you get around the execution time the above code is going to use up 66megs of memory to store that file in $ac_arr.

You'd be much better off doing something like:

$fd = fopen("./$log_file_name", "r");

while ( !feof($fd) ) {
        $buf = fread($fd, 32768);
        // process buffer here

That will let you do your progress thing as well as not eat up so much memory. Play around with values of 32768 to see if smaller or larger makes any different on your system.

Good luck!

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