Hi Rene

I think that I first used a submit button about html ver 2.0. I want to
use a button type - not submit.


Rene Maldonado wrote:

> Hi I think it woulf be better this way:
>         print "<form action = '$PHP_SELF?action=1' method = 'post'
> name = 'hello'>";
>         print "<input type='text' name='var_hello'>";
>         print "<input type  = submit value = 'Submit' >";
> and, the var name is $var_hello
> this way, the value of your var do not appear in the URL,
> This work for me...
> Martin Cameron wrote:
>> Here is a simple form file that needs to pass a variable - $hello -
>> from
>> the form to a new function. Unfortunately, it doesn't.  When you
>> click
>> the submit button, the URL looks like this:
>>      http://localhost/test5.php?action=1&hello=
>>      It should have the variable there after the "hello="
>> I suspect it's something to do with parent.location. Looking for a
>> solution. Here's the script:
>>      <head>
>>      </head>
>>      <body bgcolor=white>
>>      <?
>>      define(INITIAL_PAGE,0);
>>      define(SELECT,1);
>>      function initial_page(){
>>         global $PHP_SELF,$hello;
>>         print "<form action = '$PHP_SELF?action=1' method = 'post'
>>      name = 'hello'>";
>>         print "<input type='text' name='hello'>";
>>         print "<input name = 'hello' type='button' value='Submit'
>> onClick=\"parent.location='$PHP_SELF?action=1&hello=$hello'\">";
>>         print "</form>";
>>      }
>>      function select(){
>>         global $hello;
>>         print "Hellooooooooooo, $hello!";
>>      }
>>      initial_page();
>>      switch($action){
>>       case INITIAL_PAGE:
>>         initial_page;
>>         break;
>>       case SELECT:
>>         select();
>>         break;
>>       default:
>>         die ("Hello, can't find that function.");
>>      }
>>      ?>
>>      </body>
>>      </html>
>> The thing is that if you simply hit "enter" - rather than click the
>> "submit" button, the first directive in the <form> tag is invoked,
>> and
>> the value of the $hello variable IS passed.
>> regards
>> Martin Cameron

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