On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 03:18:55AM +0530, anirudh dutt wrote:
> On 1/5/06, Curt Zirzow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 12:31:02AM +0530, anirudh dutt wrote:
> > > hi
> > > the subject is pretty much what the problem is.
> > >
> > > if i use
> > > $st1 = $sql->stmt_init(); // $sql is a mysqli obj/conn
> > > $st1->prepare("select `num` from `activity` where `id` = ?");
> > > $st1->bind_param('s', $myid);
> > > $myid = '3f6d017d3e728b057bcc082a7db75a57'; // forcing value to check
> > ...
> > >
> > > gives rows: 0, num: 0
> > ...
> > >
> > > also, if i use an sql var in the prepare/bind case as
> > > $st1->prepare("select @ck_num:=`num` from `activity` where `id` = ?");
> > > var_dump($rz) is NULL; otherwise it's int(7)
> >
> > What version of php and mysql do you have?
> >
> > Curt.
> php 5.0.3

I would take in consideration that:

  - 5.0.3 was realease prior to March 31, 2005 
  - 5.0.4 was realease on March 31, 2005 
  - 5.0.5 was released on Sep 06, 2005.
  - 5.1.0 was release on Nov, 24, 2005
  - 5.1.1 was release on Nov, 28, 2005
  - 5.1.2 was release on Jan 12, 2006

And considering that any new release of any new version is prone to
serveral bugs; toward a more stable system as time passes.

The version you have is almost a year old. Not to mention the
stable releases are being issued on 5.1.x now.

wow, with that timetable, i just have to say.. happy new year to
everyone!! time goes by so fast.

cat .signature: No such file or directory

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