Fisrt thx to all for yours answers, I'm updating the mail because in hte last mail I'didn express my self correctly :

<form action="/page2.php?form=yes" method="post">
        $sql_pro ="SELECT Sid FROM table";
        $res_pro = @mysql_query( $sql_pro);
        while ($campo_pro = @mysql_fetch_array($res_pro)) {
                $sid_pro = $campo_pro["Sid"];                                 
// $sid_pro = 4
$sid_pro = 'p'.$sid_pro; // I'm trying to use the value of $sid_pro as a VAR name *$sid_pro = p4*
                print "<td ><input name='$sid_pro' type= 'radio'          // 
Here the Imput Name is a VALUE from Database
                        value='AAAA'/>* </td>";                   // *name = p4 
                BLA BLA BLA


// I Need to access a value from the form witch it's stored in a VAR called $p4
// The Name of the VAR "$p4" It's stored in my database, so How can I convert a 
database string to a VAR NAME
$sqlname = "SELECT Sid FROM Table";
$res = mysql_query ($sqlname) ;
while ($campo_pro = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
      $name1 = $campo_pro["Sid"];  // *$name1 = 4*
      $radio = '$'.'p'.$name1 ; // *$radio = $p4
      Now the Problem
      **How can I get the Value SOLVE_ME  from the submited form ?*
        echo '$radio'; // == $p4 => WRONG i need  AAAA
        // The VALUE of $radio witch is "$p4" is the name of the VAR I need to access, 
how can I export the VALUE "$p4" AS a VAR Name ?



James Benson wrote:

if(isset($_POST['NAME_OF_FORM_VALUE'])) {
  // radio button was selected

Fernando Anchorena wrote:
I'm stuck trying to get  work this :

This is an example
<form action="/page2.php?form=yes" method="post">
$sql_pro ="SELECT Sid FROM table";
$res_pro = @mysql_query( $sql_pro);
 while ($campo_pro = @mysql_fetch_array($res_pro)) {
     $sid_pro = $campo_pro["Sid"];  //  *sid_pro = 4*
$sid_pro = 'p'.$sid_pro; // I'm trying to use de value of $sid_pro as a VAR name *$sid_pro = p4* print "<td > *<input name='$sid_pro' type= 'radio' value='SOLVE_ME'/>* </td>"; // *name=p4 *

$sqlname = "SELECT Sid FROM Table";
$res = mysql_query ($sqlname) ;
while ($campo_pro = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
      $name1 = $campo_pro["Sid"];  // *$name1 = 4*
      $radio = '$'.'p'.$name1 ; // *$radio = $p4
      Now the Problem
      **How can I get the Value SOLVE_ME  from the submited form ?*


Thanks in Advance

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