I apologize for the multi-post if this has reached the group already, but I have never heard any reply back on it, which seems unusual for this group.

If I am asking in the incorrect place, could someone please direct me to the correct forum?


I send out a daily devotion via a CRON job.  This devotion is a PHP file with embedded html.  The problem I am having is that when this job runs, an exclamation point or two are added randomly in the document and I cannot figure out why.  I am not sure if I can attach files to this group, but I will try to attach the file I am referring to.  I have 31 of these, and each of them generates the exclamation points in a different place.  I would appreciate any feedback on this at all. 


I have been told that it had something to do with the quotation marks.  As you can see in this file, I inserted a backslash before each quotation mark as I was advised to do.  This has not helped.







Attachment: t31.php
Description: application/php

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