Barry wrote:
> Ford, Mike wrote:
>> Because 1 month from 31-Jan is 31-Feb -- which is taken to mean
>> 02-Mar, hence the output of date("M" ...).
>> 2 months from now is 31-Mar, which is ok; 3 months from now would be
>> 31-Apr, which would likewise be taken to mean 01-May.
>> This is all as expected -- no bug here.
>> Cheers!
>> Mike
> so the 31 feb would be 30 days right?
> and since +1 month would be 2nd march wouldnt be +2 month then 2nd april?
> Sinze its 2nd march +1 month
> see ->
> echo strftime("%d %m %Y",strtotime ("+1
> Month",mktime(13,0,0,3,2,2006)))."\n";
> ^^ gives 2nd april! ^^
> echo "date 1:".strftime("%d %m %Y",strtotime ("+1 Month",strtotime("+1
> Month")))."\n";
> ^^ gives 3rd april ^^
> So its not logic.
> month +2 should output 2nd april!
> Barry

ok i understand now, that is fairly f****d up if you ask me, the
documentation should state this side affect, one month should be one
month from that date not +31 days, if i wated +31 days i would ask for it :)



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