On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 11:07, Mauricio Pellegrini wrote:
> Hi ,
>  I have a HTML page with a form in which there are some inputs like
> these:
>       input type=text  name=xname value="3303"
>       input type=text  name=xname value="9854"
>       ....
>       input type=text  name=xname value="n..."
> the name of the input is always the same ( xname )
> This generates automatically generates an array named xname in HTML 
> with all the diferent values assigned to a diferent position.
> My question is :
> How do I retrieve that array from within PHP ?
> I've tryed the following
>       $xname=$_REQUEST['xname'];
> and then
>       echo $xname[0][0] ; // this returns nothing
>       echo $xname[0] ;    // this returns only first digit of the first input 
> None of the above seem to recognize that xname is ( in HTML ) an array .
> Any help greatly appreciated

You forgot the array append operator:

        <input type="text"  name="xname[]" value="3303"
        <input type="text"  name="xname[]" value="9854"
        <input type="text"  name="xname[]" value="n..."

I also took the liberty of adding double quotes to your attributes. There's no
excuse for writing slop.

To see what that produces... get used to doing:

echo '<pre>'."\n";
print_r( $_POST );
echo "\n".'</pre>';

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