Tod Thomas wrote:
I just built phpV5.1.2 with the same options I used to build php4:

./configure  --prefix=/opt/php5
--disable-cgi --with-zlib

After make install I had in the ./apache/modules directory as expected. I commented out my LoadModule directive for php4 and uncommented out the directive for php5. I copied php.ini-dist to /opt/php5/lib/php.ini and restarted apache.

I expected the test.php page that displays the date, time and the output of phpinfo() to work. Instead it just prints out all of the text, never interpreting the code.

When I switch it back to php4 everything works fine. Neither the access or error logs display any problems. ldd of shows everthing as resolved. The apache user owns that lib as well as so no problems there. httpd -t says everthing is syntactically correct. I've really changed nothing other than the library and its name in httpd.conf.

What else could I be doing wrong? Is there something I can try to debug and get it to tell me what's up?


LoadModule php4_module        modules/  <- for php4
LoadModule php5_module        modules/  <- for php5
AddHandler php-script php    <- for php4
AddHandler php5-script php   <- for php5   grrr

Thanks for everyone's comments.


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