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On Fri, February 3, 2006 11:54 am, Jason Gerfen wrote:
> I am having a problem and I am not sure how to resolve it.  I have a
> simple drop down list form which contains colors and a menu which
> contains links.
> I have two get vars as URL parameters:
> ex.
> here is the HTML form:
> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0"><form action="<?PHP
> echo
> $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?id=<?PHP echo $arr['name']; ?>&theme=<?PHP
> echo
> $_GET['theme']; ?>" method="get" name="template">
>  <tr>
>   <td width="5%" align="left"><select name="theme">
>    <option name="blue" value="blue">blue</option>
>    <option name="green" value="green">green</option>
>    <option name="red" value="red">red</option>
>    <option name="yellow" value="yellow">yellow</option>
>    </select></td>
>   <td width="10%" align="left"><input type="submit" value="change
> scheme"></td>
>  </tr></form>
> </table>
> Here is the function that gives me the page id:
> function show_args( $id ) {
>  global $defined;
>       if( empty( $id ) ) {
>        $conn = db( $defined['dbhost'], $defined['username'],
> $defined['password'], $defined['dbname'] );
>   $sql = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name = 'default'"
> )or die( "<img src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font
> face=\"arial\"><b>Error with SQL statement, details
> follow:</b><br><br>Error Number: " .  @mysql_errno( $conn ) .
> "<br>Error Message: " . @mysql_error( $conn ) . "<br>Email
> Administrator: <a
> href=\"mailto:$defined[mail]\";>$defined[mail]</a></font>" );
>        if( @mysql_num_rows( $sql ) != 0 ) {
>                while( $array = @mysql_fetch_array( $sql ) ) {
>                        list( $page['id'], $page['name'], $page['title'],
> $page['description'], $page['content'] ) = $array;
>                       }
>               } else {
>                $page['id'] = "default";
>                       $page['name'] = "default";
>                       $page['title'] = "default home page";
>                       $page['description'] = "default home page";
>                       $page['content'] = "<img
> src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><blink>Error:
> </blink></b>It looks as if you have not defined anything in the
> database, please do so.<br><b>Code: </b>001";
>               }
>       } else {
>        if( chk_string( $id ) == 0 ) {
>                $conn = db( $defined['dbhost'], $defined['username'],
> $defined['password'], $defined['dbname'] );
>    $sql = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name = \"$id\"" )or
> die( "<img src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font
> face=\"arial\"><b>Error with SQL statement, details
> follow:</b><br><br>Error Number: " .  @mysql_errno( $conn ) .
> "<br>Error Message: " . @mysql_error( $conn ) . "<br>Email
> Administrator: <a
> href=\"mailto:$defined[mail]\";>$defined[mail]</a></font>" );
>         if( @mysql_num_rows( $sql ) != 0 ) {
>                 while( $array = @mysql_fetch_array( $sql ) ) {
>                         list( $page['id'], $page['name'], $page['title'],
> $page['description'], $page['content'] ) = $array;
>                        }
>                } else {
>                 $page['id'] = "default";
>                       $page['name'] = "default";
>                       $page['title'] = "default home page";
>                       $page['description'] = "default home page";
>                        $page['content'] = "<img
> src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><blink>Error:
> </blink></b>It looks as if you have not defined anything in the
> database, please do so.<br><b>Code: </b>002";
>                }
>               } else {
>                $conn = db( $defined['dbhost'], $defined['username'],
> $defined['password'], $defined['dbname'] );
>    $sql = @mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE name = 'default'"
> )or die( "<img src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font
> face=\"arial\"><b>Error with SQL statement, details
> follow:</b><br><br>Error Number: " .  @mysql_errno( $conn ) .
> "<br>Error Message: " . @mysql_error( $conn ) . "<br>Email
> Administrator: <a
> href=\"mailto:$defined[mail]\";>$defined[mail]</a></font>" );
>         if( @mysql_num_rows( $sql ) != 0 ) {
>                 while( $array = @mysql_fetch_array( $sql ) ) {
>                         list( $page['id'], $page['name'], $page['title'],
> $page['description'], $page['content'] ) = $array;
>                        }
>                } else {
>                 $page['id'] = "default";
>                       $page['name'] = "default";
>                       $page['title'] = "default home page";
>                       $page['description'] = "default home page";
>                        $page['content'] = "<img
> src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><blink>Error:
> </blink></b>What exactly are you trying to do?  It seems you have
> either attempted a XSS, SQL Injection of Buffer Overflow to gain
> illegal access to my site.  Your computer information has been
> recorded because I do not condone the actions you are taking on my
> livelihood.";
>                }
>               }
>       }
>       @mysql_close( $conn );
>       return $page;
> }
> And the function which returns my menu:
> function get_menu( $theme ) {
>  global $defined;
>  $conn = db( $defined['dbhost'], $defined['username'],
> $defined['password'], $defined['dbname'] );
>  $sql = @mysql_query( "SELECT name FROM pages" )or die( "<img
> src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<font face=\"arial\"><b>Error
> with SQL statement, details follow:</b><br><br>Error Number: " .
> @mysql_errno( $conn ) . "<br>Error Message: " . @mysql_error( $conn )
> . "<br>Email Administrator: <a
> href=\"mailto:$defined[mail]\";>$defined[mail]</a></font>" );
>  if( @mysql_num_rows( $sql ) != 0 ) {
>        while( $array = @mysql_fetch_array( $sql ) ) {
>         list( $name ) = $array;
>                       $menu .= "<a
> href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?id=$name&theme=$theme\">$name</a><br>";
>        }
>       } else {
>        $menu = "<img src=\"images/error.jpg\">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><blink>Error:
> </blink></b>You currently do not have any pages defined in the
> database.";
>       }
>  @mysql_close( $conn );
>       return $menu;
> }
> basically I am having a problem of when I visit a link from the
> menu*then try to change the template color it goes to a default error
> message because the ?id=$_GET['id'] is failing on the form action
> portion.  Any help is appreciated.
> --
> Jason Gerfen
> "the life you live ignoring who, ignoring who you're giving money to.
> and you, you support the corrupt industries and companies who dont
> think to care.
> guilty...guilty...guilty by ignorance.
> no feeling... no substance... killing... you're killing through your
> ignorance."
> ~ Snapcase
> --
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