On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 05:08:59PM +0200, Andrei wrote:
> You can use SELECT fields FROM table WHERE condition LIMIT 15, -1 and it 
> will select all from 15...
>       Andy
> William Stokes wrote:
> >Hello
> >
> >I have a news page which is getting quite long now and I would like to 
> >split the news to two pages. Now I have one SQL query for all the rows and 
> >I think I could use LIMIT to limit the results but how to limit the 
> >results for example to 15 rows for page one and from 16 to the last on 
> >second page? Number of rows increase daily.
> >
> >One page one there's headline and short summary and the second page should 
> >be "archive" with only the headline so all remaining rows can be printed 
> >to one page.
> >
> >Something like: "SELECT *  FROM `x_news` LIMIT 0 , 15" but how to do the 
> >archive page SELECT * FROM `x_news` LIMIT 16 , xx?
> >
> >Thanks
> >-Will
> > 
> >

Answers that show SQL commands that apply to specific databases annoy
me. Not everyone uses MySQL. I've worked with several databases that
don't support a LIMIT command. At least mention the database engine
you are referencing.

Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668
A liberal is someone too poor to be a capitalist and too rich to be
a communist.

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