The example given outputs to two tabs,  "sheeta" and "sheetb"

Quoting Olaf Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi all,

I've written a ArrayToExcel(XML) class, you're welcome to use if you wish. May need a bit of tweaking to get the colspan working (I haven't touched it in quite a while). But the process itself I think is rather nice :)

Thanks for your answer and the offer. I checked it, but I somehow do not see multiple tabs appear (neitehr in the direct .xls output, nor in the two XML versions)?!?

Meanwhile I've been playing around somewhat more with my own code (which in this case has the advantage that I have to do little rewrites in the code in order to use solely one script for both an HTML view as well as an Excel view), and most of it looks satifactorily enough. The only (?) nasty thing left is that the column widths are always set to that of the widest column, so I'll need to figure out a work around for that (e.g. by using different table headers for the .XLS version).

I would still be very interested in a way to get the 3 tables sent to different tabs though, but I'm not certain the way I do it can take care of that.

If anyone can tell me how to go about this, it would be greatly appreciated...


| Oli Howson, BSc, MBCS |
|   |
| Internet Development  |

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