On Fri, 2006-02-10 at 05:47 +0700, Bagus Nugroho wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm succesfully generate report from mysql table using PEAR :
> Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer, but I have problem to generate from table
> which contain long text, the text is not download completely.
> such as .... blablabla.
> it only contain .... blab
> How can manipulate PEAR, to get full text on excel sheet.

Next time direct your question to the PEAR General List
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to get a much more useful answer.

This is due to the default mode of Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer creating an
Excel 7 (or maybe 6) compatible spreadsheet which has these string
limitations. If you change the version of spreadsheet it is creating you
will not have these problems.

I don't know the exact commands or versions to set it to but check the
documentation or search the archives of pear-general. I know for sure it
is in the pear-general archives as this question has been asked and
answered many times.

Adam Ashley

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