ello all, Im a beginner at php. but I was able to get this script to work.

Now I am looking to have it automatically refresh itself using ajax every 10 seconds.

Can somebody explain or show me how to do this.

Thank you.

PHP Code:
| | |<?php

$httpfile = file_get_contents('http://www.game-monitor.com/client/buddyList.php?uid=8654&listid=0&xml=1');

$doc = DOMDocument::loadXML($httpfile);

$myBuddyNodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName('buddy');

/////not neccessary, but im using it

$nameStatusDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'iso-8859-1');

$rootElement = $nameStatusDoc->createElement('PetesList');

$rootElement = $nameStatusDoc->appendChild($rootElement);


echo "<table border = '0' cellpadding= '2' bgcolor='#616042'>\n<thead><tr><th></th><th></th><tr></thead>\n";

foreach ($myBuddyNodes as $node)


   echo "<tr>";

echo "<td><font size='-1'>".$node->firstChild->nextSibling->nodeValue."</font></td>";

if($node->firstChild->nextSibling->nextSibling->nextSibling->nodeValue == "Online") |

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