I responded to the message which included the attachment, and here it is for
those who missed it:

Goody, a virus. LOL

Note: According to the Virus scanner used on php.net (or on the mailing
list. whichever) Emanuel.exe is a virus. Here is the URL for information on


Gotta hate when that happens.

----- end old message -----

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Padraic Tynan"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
008701c0cd05$a0e274a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:008701c0cd05$a0e274a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

Yesterday an email-virus entitled Emanuel was sent out over this list, and I
am not sure by who. It came in the form of Emanuel.exe, and had an icon
resembling that of a standalone flash projector file (pink diamond with a
white multi-pointed asterisk-type thing in the middle).

This virus appears to be a backorifice or netbus style virus, and adds
something to a system file that makes it so that *every* time you try to
launch a program, it launches "Wintask.exe", which is *not* an official
task, despite the name. It puts a green ICQ flower in your taskbar, and if
you click it, a button pops up that says "Nunca <bla bla> esta button". The
<bla bla> is because I forget the word for "push" in spanish, and I'm not
about to open this program again -- It translates to "NEVER PUSH THE
BUTTON" -- and trust me, *don't*, this, i have found, is what activates the

I may have lost several weeks of work to this virus, and I advise you all to
watch out, as it was likely sent inadvertantly.

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