On Tue, February 21, 2006 4:03 pm, Ray Cantwell wrote:
> I was wondering if any of you knew of a good command line utility for
> php5 on linux? The box i write on has no X-windows.

Errrr.  Assuming I understand the question...

lynx is a text-based browser which you can use to surf to pages and
see what they output, kinda sorta.

Not really useful for rich-media sites, but viable for mostly-text sites.

There MIGHT be a curses-based web browser "out there"...  I mean, in
theory, there could be one, right?

And it might even be able to render vector-based images, I suppose???

You can also run:
php -l script.php
to check for syntax errors before you attempt to surf to it, and catch
the really bone-headed mistakes before you fire up lynx.

None of the above will be real useful for MOST web-sites, but might
fit your needs, and fall strictly within the question asked.

Going farther afield from the original question...

You might also want to use a laptop/desktop/whatever and an SSH client
program such as "putty" to be able to surf with common browsers in one
window while typing in another.

Cuz you're really not going to be able to develop a modern web-site
without some kind of graphical browser, for 99.999999% of web-sites
out there today.

OTOH, if all you are doing is some kind of data-warehousing
web-service type application, you could probably get away with:

telnet localhost 80 | less
GET / HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost

[hit return TWICE] after that last localhost]

I've done that, in a pinch. :-)

Actually, if's VERY useful for figuring out your headers, for checking
output of funky characters, and quite instructive for search engine
optimization, because THAT is what Google "sees".


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