Yo, tedd...

[David Tulloh]
>Your example fails for me, Firefox and Mozilla. The rpc.php file
>doesn't seem to return anything.
[/David Tulloh]

...it does the same for me... ok, on that way a bot will never get your
mail-adr... ;)

[David Tulloh]
>To answer your question though, a bot is capable of getting anything
>that a human can, probably more. It's all a question of effort. As the
>email scrapers get plenty of hits looking for standard email addresses,
>they don't put much effort into getting addresses from people who try
>hide them (people who hide them are also less likely to fall for spam).
>In the current environment, I don't think any bot is going to bother
>running javascript, so any obstuftication using javascript should be
[/David Tulloh]

I have to agree, even the image-method isn't that save anymore nowadays
it is definetly not recommended by accessibility guidelines !  (see
CAPTCHA and related)...


Björn Bartels

dbusiness.de gmbh
digital business & printing gmbh

Greifswalder Str. 152
D-10409 Berlin

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