My first mailing, if I'm in wrong group or such, let me know ;)

You've come to the right place :)

Here comes my question. I have implemented file uploads to my server. At the 
end of upload, file is
beeing moved from /tmp to permanent directory. However, whenever this happens, 
CPU goes berzerk and
waits for disk to finish moving file. As allowed files may be up to 100 MB per 
file, having more
then 3 users makes complete server freeze. Meantime, server load reaches 
skyhigh 40+. After file is
moved, server resumes normal operation, however while moving file server is 
completely not

Is /tmp on a different disk partition to the final directory ?

That could explain it - it's like moving a file on your windows machine from c: to d:

Can you move the 'upload_tmp_dir' to a new directory on the same partition as the final directory?

See 'upload_tmp_dir' in your php.ini file.

Don't change your move_uploaded_file call to use rename() and unlink() - you'll run into problems and it bypasses the checks built into move_uploaded_file.

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