> No this doesnt solve error.
> let me give you more details to understand problem with the said code.
> go to this link, please.
> http://www.abcdefg.us/search/search.php
> in search enter,
> Justice, you get response without an error.
> Now enter law,
> you get error, pasted below,
> Warning: usort(): The argument should be an array in
> /home2/wwwabcde/public_html/search/searchfuncs.php on line
> 300

Yeah, sure.

So you know $res *isn't* an array, which is why you're getting the
warning that  "The argument should be an array".

So you need to find out what *is* in $res, which is why I suggested
the print_r().

Now do a var_dump($res) and see what *is* in $res. Then you'll have to
work out *why* it's not an array - and the answer to that is somewhere
in those 300 lines of code you can't post.

The few lines at the end of the loop seem to be treating $res as an
array. But as it's *not* an array, either those lines aren't being
executed or you've initialised $res to something silly beforehand,
like a string.


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