On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 13:32 -0500, Benjamin Adams wrote:
> I have created my own ini file. I can read the values into an array  
> fine. but What I want to do is change a value in the ini file. Example
> file.ini
> dog = 3
> cat = 4
> fish = 7
> altered file.ini
> dog = 3
> cat = 5
> fish = 7
> how can I do this, I tried using ini_set but its not working.
> help would be great, Thanks!!
> Ben

As has been mentioned ini_set is for php.ini values. You can do what you
want with fopen and all that manually or check out
http://pear.php.net/package/Config all the hard work has been done for

Adam Ashley

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