In phpinfo page SCRIPT_NAME variable is set correctly.

What have effect this variable ? May be include_path setting ?


Chris wrote:

> Roman Rumisek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i have configured apache 2.0.50 with mod_php 4.4.2 and
>> $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] beginning with /// (three slash).
>> Where have i a error ? (probably configuration)
>> Application apache configuration:
>> Alias /trsklad/ /.../projects/akce/src/html/
>> <Directory /.../projects/akce/src/html/>
>>         AllowOverride All
>>         Order deny,allow
>>         Deny from all
>>         Allow from
>> </Directory>
>> Thanks
>> Rumisek
> I don't think it's apache.
> Are you seeing this in a phpinfo page or in your code somewhere?
> If you're not using a phpinfo page then create one and see if it's in
> there first.

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