I am currently writing a forum system, but at the moment I have a bug
that no one can seem to get to the root cause of. Basically I am using
preg_replace with the pattern as "'\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/url\]'is".
However for most links it works fine but for others it just doesn't
render the bbcode to a link, we were trying to get to the root cause
of it here 
but we failed. I'm not really that good with regular expresions so
that might explain why. Also we had never noticed these problems until
about 3 days ago, but I see no reason why it could have started. All
help will be greatly appreciated, you may use the username php and the
password php to log on to do your own tests but please keep the
testing to the topic (and the spam forum if necessary).

Many Thanks,
Michael Mulqueen

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