First, let me apologize for having to take it to a basic level. I'll  
admit that I'm fairly new to web development, but this is something I  
could *really* use at work and I want to make sure I understand (just  
to set the stage, we use Windows/Active Directory/MS SQL Server at  
work, but have decided that future applications will be written in PHP  
run on Linux/Apache).

So I have a login script that sets a cookie when the user logs in.  
Then I have an application written in PHP that reads the cookie for  
authentication purposes.

What would I store in the cookie? Would the username be sufficient  
(since the cookie was set, we can assume that it was already  
authenticated through AD, right), or is there something more I can add  
to the cookie to make the process more secure?

Which leads back to my original question; what would keep me from  
setting a cookie with, say, my manager's username, fooling the PHP  
application into thinking I'm her?


You could just store a username, since they have already authenticated,
but a cookie with just a username would be easy to duplicate. My current
thought is to hash a checksum of some sort and storing that in the
cookie as well. That way you avoid the username only problem. I do not
want to store the users password in any format in the cookie. I am
thinking that the login script will cause a cookie to be written (via
PHP) with a base64 encoded
(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.base64-encode.php) string or some
other hash method. Then that string could be decoded when the user
accesses the intranet site and compared against whatever criteria you
deem necessary.

I have not tested this though. It is on my task list for next week
though. :)

So, you could set a cookie with your manager's name, but it wouldn't
work. You would also have to know how to encode a string properly for
storage in the cookie. Read
http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php for more information
on cookies.

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