I have a few PHP scripts where I log hit to a page i.e. IP and hostname via a look up.

What I want to do is create essentially a blacklist to prevent bots and other hosts and IP from being logged and skewing my stats. My local IP/host and the MSN and Googlebot hits should not be in my stats or at least I can flag them to hide them.

For example:

$blacklist = array(

So lets say I have my host:

$host = 'lj602144.inktomisearch.com';

I want to quickly parse this array and return a simple boolean if I am in the blacklist. I could create a loop and cycle through the array valves and to a regex on each but I was hoping someone would have a more elegant solution.


You might want to rethink things though... if you list hostnames you're going to have to do a DNS lookup for *every* request to that script. That's going to take some time.

So you might want to log everything, then after the fact prune the results. Just be sure to use some sort of dns caching strategy...


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