On 14/03/06, IG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> I got a password protected login script of t'internet a while back and
> have implemented it. I just want to make sure it is secure.

It's not.

1. It only works with register_globals turned on. Not a good idea -
register_globals has been off by default for some time now, for good

2. There's a Cross Site Scripting vulnerability where you're echoing
out the contents of $QUERY_STRING.

3. There's an SQL Injection vulnerability where you're inserting
$username directly into the query without any validation or escaping.

4. You're keeping the passwords in the database unencrypted rather
than using a one way hash which is bad in itself, but then you're
storing also writing them to the session - if you're on a shared
server, it's likely that any other site also on that server is able to
read your session files.

5. You're checking the username and password on every page request -
even after a successful login... which isn't really a security
problem, just wasteful.


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