M. Sokolewicz wrote:
List Manager wrote:
jonathan wrote:

I'd like to return the first key value in the following array such that England would return 1 rather than 3 which is the second key value. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


// Array ( [1] => Array ( [0] => Vietnam [1] => China [2] => Thailand [3] => England ) [2] => Array ( [0] => USA [1] => Japan ) )

foreach($c as $row)
    echo array_search("England",$row);
// prints 3


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give this a shot

function findIndexof($ar, $str) {
 foreach($ar AS $k => $v) {
   if ( is_array($v) ) {
     $val = findIndexof($v, $str);
     if( $val !== false ) {
       return $val;
   } elseif ( strtolower($v) == strtolower($str) ) {
     return $k;
 return FALSE;

$c[1][] = "Vietnam";
$c[1][] = "China";
$c[1][] = "Thailand";
$c[1][] = "England";
$c[2][] = "USA";
$c[2][] = "Japan";

echo findIndexof($c, 'Vietnam');

You should be able to search arrays of any depth

Hope this woks for you.


Or, a lot easier:
foreach($c as $key=>$row) {
 if(false !== array_search("England",$row)) {
    echo $key;

Well, this is fine, if you know that the array will always be two levels, not one, not three, but two.

If this is the case, then fine.

But, don't you think it would be nice to have a function that will work no matter what it is passed?


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