Well on another note I see that you are trying to point to a local file on a windows machine (i.e. c:\path\to\php-script), that won't work but if you place the php script on the server it may. i am unfamiliar with the organization you are refering to.

Karl-Heinz Christian Zeck wrote:

I cannot use such a code, because the file I'm using is added to the <Script> element in the html page. The guys from Horde, that created the files say this should work without any problems, but it doesn't. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Thank you!

On 3/17/06, *Jason Gerfen* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    You will want to write PHP code to output the
    java-script.  Because the
    java-script (client side scripting) gets executed without
    with the server there is no PHP engine that java-script can push
    the PHP
    through on the client machine.

    So you would want to do something like:

    $string = "I want a new pop-up message";
    $javascript = "<script>alert( $string )</script>";
    echo $javascript;

    Karl-Heinz Christian Zeck wrote:

    >Thank you for your quick reply.
    >I tried to modify the file. I removed all it's content and wrote
    only a
    >single line:
    >When I refresh the main page, I get the alert message - this
    means the file
    >was loaded successfuly.
    >Then I tried this code: alert("<?php echo 'test';?>");
    >This way it doesn't work, no alert message, so the file wasn't
    >Any ideas?
    >On 3/17/06, Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
    >>Karl-Heinz Christian Zeck wrote:
    >>>Hi everybody,
    >>>Are you allowed to do this? I mean, is the php file parsed by
    the PHP
    >>>first and a js code is generated that will be used
    >>>by the script element?
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    Jason Gerfen

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    ~ Me

Jason Gerfen

"You will never be ready for me."
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