Chris Shiflett wrote:

> João Cândido de Souza Neto wrote:
>> I tried it yet, if a put a echo $_SESSION["root"] before or
>> after the include, it works fine, it doesn't work in the
>> file top.php.
> Show us the code. What you're describing should not be possible.
> Chris

Here's the original message:

After start the session and setting all of session variables.

I have a file named top.php that has the follow code in:

<a href="<? echo $_SESSION["root"]; ?>/about.php">
        About system

I've too a file named page.php that has the follow code in:

<? session_start(); ?>
... Some codes ...
<? include("top.php"); ?>
... some codes ...

By this way, the file top.php ought to see the $_SESSION["root"] variable,
but it isn't happening.

Just to remember, my register_global is defined to off.

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Web Developer

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