On 3/27/2006 7:04:52 PM, Kevin Kinsey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ryan A wrote:
> >Anybody else getting these annoying auto responses from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> com
> >?
> >
> >If yes, can someone email the list mod to delete his account or
> >or email me back the list mods email and I'll do it myself.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Ryan
> >
> >
> >
> What, no killfile?
> If we bug the mods for every idiot autoresponder out
> there, when will they have time to improve PHP?
> My $0.02,

Fair enough, but I think you wrote the sentance sligntly "wrong"
coz its not the idiot autoresponder but the idiot with an autoresponder to
the list



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