Pham Huu Le Quoc Phuc wrote:
It doesn't show any thing while $info['Employee']['dob'] isn't empty.
This is my code
      $stt = 0;
      foreach($data as $info):

add this:

$x = $datetime->time2str($info['Employee']['dob']);
echo "dob: " . $info['Employee']['dob'] . "; x: " . $x . "<br/>";

and make sure that $datetime (whatever that is doing) is returning something.

If it's not, look at that and go from there.


The folowing code do not execute:
<td align="center">
    <?=(!empty($info['Employee']['dob'])) ?
$datetime->time2str($info['Employee']['dob']) : ""?>

What do you mean? It doesn't show anything? Then
$info['Employee']['dob'] is empty.

If not, explain what you see or what happens.

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