
on 04/08/2006 04:13 PM Robert Cummings said the following:
> I'm probably just having a bowel movement or something, but I think
> going with a lib that supports either iframe or xmlhttprequest
> interchangeably is probably the way to go. While iframe may have more
> features and less instability surrounding it right now, you can probably
> bet your ass, xmlhttprequest is going to become the standard for the
> simple reason that it's purpose was to do this kind of thing, whereas
> iframes are a dirty little hack :)

Have you tried uploading files with XMLHttpRequest?

Have you tried making a single request with XMLHttpRequest to execute a
task on the server and obtain progress feedback within the same response?

Have you tried developing a AJAX solution based on XMLHttpRequest for a
wide audience that applied the latest Microsoft service pack that
disables ActiveX for IE ?

Once you try common things like this, you will see better which solution
is the "dirty little hack". ;-)

> I would just hate to have to rewrite everything once iframes start
> sucking. And no, I don't currently know of an ajax lib that does this,
> but I'll certainly be making mine do so in the near future :)

Right, once you try things for yourself you will reach the same
conclusions like I have that XMLHttpRequest is the solution that it
s*cks. ;-)


Manuel Lemos

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