The ampersand before the function name indicates that the function returns a
reference instead of a copy of the variable, for example:

  function &max(&$var1, &$var2) {
    if ($var1 > $var2) return $var1;
    else return $var2;

  $global1 = 10;
  $global2 = 9;
  $maxglobal =& max($global1, $global2);
  echo $global1;
  //this will print 11 since $maxglobal is a reference to $global1

2006/4/11, tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Additionally, what I don't get is this:
> <?php
>         $a = 10;
>         echo("$a <br/>");
>         ref1(&$a);
>         echo("$a <br/>");
>         $a = 10;
>         echo("$a <br/>");
>         ref2($a);
>         echo("$a <br/>");
>         $a = 10;
>         echo("$a <br/>");
>         ref3($a);
>         echo("$a <br/>");
> ?>
> <?php
>         function ref1($a)
>                 {
>                 $a--;
>                 }
> ?>
> <?php
>         function ref2(&$a)
>                 {
>                 $a--;
>                 }
> ?>
> <?php
>         function &ref3($a)
>                 {
>                 $a--;
>                 }
> ?>
> The first two functions work as I would expect. The last one is shown
> in the documentation, but doesn't work as I expected. There doesn't
> appear to be any difference between ref1 and ref3 -- so what's with
> the "ampersand" in &ref3? What is an ampersand supposed to mean/do
> when it precedes a function?
> Thanks.
> tedd
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