i put the files in one place for you.
to do what you want.

2006-04-12 (수), 16:24 -0300, Martin Alterisio "El Hombre Gris" 쓰시길:
> Ussually, the browsers send a header with information about the language 
> preferences of the user.
> This header is HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.
> You can retrieve its value in PHP through the array $_SERVER:
> Here you can find about the format of this header:
> http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4
> Alain Roger wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Sorry to send this email on both mailing lists but as i suppose that both
> >are concerned by it, i did.
> >
> >i would like to make my web site tune to user language.
> >for that i was thinking to create some XML files where all words can be
> >found and based on the icon (country flag) that user clicked, i will load a
> >specific XML file to tune my PHP pages.
> >
> >i know from Java exprience that it exists also another possibility via
> >browser setup for preference in language, but i do not know how it works in
> >PHP.
> >
> >please, could you give me some tips, helps, or tutorial for such request ?
> >
> >thanks a lot,
> >Alain
> >
> >  
> >
my site <a href="http://www.myowndictionary.com";>myowndictionary</a> was
made to help students of many languages learn them faster.

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