Yes, both sites are on the same server but weberdev was built by me
And weberforums is phpBB2. No sense in writing my own forums application.

WeberDev is the main site and has it's own user base and phpBB2 is 
Pretty complex and I didn't have the time to create a single logon. It
Will not be trivial and will need to be maintained with every phpBB2 

All I want is to open a phpBB account when someone opens one
On WeberDev.

I don't agree that php-general is the wrong place. I looked in the
phpBB forums for this and found something that doesn't currently
Work. On this list there are many php developers that use phpBB
So why not ask them if anyone already did what I did.

It's not like I'm asking anyone to do the work for me. I devoted
Years of my time on WeberDev for the PHP community (it's my
Hobby and not my main workplace) and all I asked was to know
If someone has created a specific PHP script. Btw, I got several
Off line emails asking me to share the solution if I get it.

Anyway, instead of all of these emails, I'll try to do it myself
And hope someone contacts me soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:12 PM
To: Weber Sites LTD
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Script to open phpBB2 accounts

Weber Sites LTD wrote:

>Not exactly, we are talking about two different sites with two 
>different Databases. Each site has it's own userbase and authentication 
>will Still be against the respected DB. I just want the account to be 
>ready For the user if he already opened it.

Are both sites on the same host using the same database server? If so why
cause the extra work or duplicating the login details?

>Obviously I can reverse engineer the phpBB2 code but that would be A 
>hard and long task since it's allot of code in allot of files.
>If I don't have any other option I will probably do it but isn't the 
>idea To reuse code? If someone already wrote a script that does exactly 
>That, and is willing to share it, it will save me much time I can spend 
>doing other things on There are thousands of code 
>Examples on WeberDev, and they save allot of time to allot of people.
>I was hoping someone could save me the time...

That's fair enough, and I agree that code reuse is good - I publish a fair
amount myself. However, the correct place to ask for a solution to a
phpBB-specific problem would be the phpBB community not the general PHP
community. Or am I still high on "session"?

>Btw, did you mean "four spring duck technique" or "four sprung duck 
>technique" ?

Either should work.


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