On Thu, April 20, 2006 4:03 am, Barry wrote:
> What would be the best way to start a PHP Script via CRONJOB?
> Should i use the 'php' command or use curl or lynx or something to
> open that URL?

Ideally just use CLI PHP.

Slightly sub-optimal is CGI PHP with -q argument.

Also use FULL PATH to the php binary, and to your script, because the
cronjob may not (or may) be using the same "home" directory as you

With a full path, you can't go wrong.

Using curl or lynx will just waste an HTTP connection for no real reason.

If, however, you need to run a cronjob on machine A, but have no shell
access on A, and have shell access on B...

Running a cron job on B to lynx to a page on A is a solution...

Not a pretty solution.

Probably not the best solution.

Maybe not even a GOOD solution.

Just A solution.

You can also use -d and -c and other fun arguments to the CLI/CGI php
binary to provide a specialized php.ini file or some over-rides to
php.ini parameters.  Very handy.  Again, use FULL PATH to be safe.

> The Script does a MySQL query, collects data and sends it via E-Mail
> every monday morning to the recipient.

cron doesn't much care what your script does. :-)

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