> You guys make me laugh... :)

> (And I really actually mean that in a nice way...
> that last bit was
> quite funny. And yes, size does matter... some don't
> like it _too_
> big.)

Damn, just my luck....


> As far as AJAX is concerned: yeah, it's a bitch.
> I've gotten it to
> work pretty cleanly in a newer project of mine with
> little
> discrepencies, and, hopefully, if what I've been
> doing is good enough,

You might want to wait a bit and then check out
weberdev as Tedd from the list has written quite a
sweet ajax ("mini-framework"?) that he has been kind
enough to share with me when I was experimenting with
ajax, you can either write to him and _request him to
give you some sample code or wait a bit as he told me
he's going to submit it to weberdev soon.

As for writing your opinions, I say go for it, but
remember that you will get responses to it...some that
you may like and..well, you kind of know the rest :-D

One suggestion, if you are going to write articles
like the last one (which personally I didnt go for
either - putting it mildly ;-) ) please put it on a
page where people can comment directly under it so it
wont be like this original thread and this sub-thread
which is so far OT ,flaming etc, I for one would
appreciate that.

My two cents..


- The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard.
- Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster!
- Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-)

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