On Thursday 20 April 2006 19:23, Richard Lynch wrote:
> Actually, it's "possible" just bloody difficult.
> You're looking into a topic known as OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
> One OS project for this is:
> GOCR (aka JOCR)
> It's GOCR on freshmeat and JOCR on sourceforge because they name they
> wanted was "taken" by another project. :-(
> A commercial product known as OmniPages is probably the "best"
> solution, unfortunately.

Thanks for the info.  It makes sense that the scanner puts makes the image and 
puts that on the PDF.  I'll have to look into GOCR, or just scrap the idea I 
had.  Luckily I'm still just in the planning stage and we haven't figured out 
how all the processes are going to work :)

Thanks again,

Ray Hauge
Programmer/Systems Administrator
American Student Loan Services

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