On Mon April 24 2006 9:54 pm, Paul Novitski wrote:
> Rushed, grumpy defender of the underdog,
> Paul

>For those of you who are making a joke out of my question, glad to have 
>given you all a laugh.  I want to thank everyone else for being so nice and 
>helpful to beginners.


I am not an active participant in this list. But I learn a lot just reading 
the messages. I also read messages in pgsql-general@postgresql.org . There, 
even stupid, unresearched questions get serious answers with just gentle 

Just follow this thread. The question was:

Subject: to know

hello guys,
what do u think about the near future of postgre?
what is the latest version of postgre? and how it differ from the oldone?
who is the leading person on postgre?


Have a look at the replies. A study in good manners.

Best regards,

Ma Sivakumar

Integrated Management Tools for leather industry

Ma Siva Kumar,
BSG LeatherLink (P) Ltd,
IT Solutions for Leather Industry,
Chennai - 600087
Tel : +91 44 55191757

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